Today I would like to come out (nooooo, not like that) on a very special issue to me. I am speaking of course of the horrible truth that people are prostitutes all over the country, and probably others too.
It is my hopes and dreams that some day the police and the government will stop people from being prostitutes. Because there are prostitutes, people think it is too easy to get sex or that they can get sex by spending money. These people are not in love! Also, these prostitutes are charging a whole lot of money. This way some people who are "addicted to sex" are spending all of their money on prostitutes or "hookers" who are not their wives, and that leaves their wives and children without any money for food. Why do people do this if they have their wives? If their wives are too ugly or don't want to have sex with them, why were they married in the first place? These problems are nonsensical, and could be solved by getting rid of the prostitutes.
Meanwhile, these prostitutes or "whores" are getting a whole lot of money from prostituting (is this a word? I'll have to ask a police officer) themselves, much more money than they could make from a lawful job, like a waitress, or even a stripper (middle ground??). I've heard that they spend a lot of this money on prostitute outfits (feathers, bras), alcohol, and even drugs, a lot of the time. Many prostitutes claim to be drug addicts, but this is a poor excuse. If they were made to stop being prostitutes, they wouldn't have any more money to buy their drugs with, so they would go through "withdrawal" and not be addicted to drugs anymore.
I would like to point out that men can be prostitutes too! They just do the opposite thing, and are harder to find.
I do not think that it would be hard for the police officers to get rid of all the prostitutes. The problem is that many of these police officers, and even their bosses in the government, use prostitutes to have sex. This is almost a form of "lobbying" that prostitutes do. It is definitely like "lobbying" in that the prostitutes let people onto their "ground floors"!
But no, I shouldn't joke about prostitutes.
With all my hopes and dreams,
Matthew Elpiejumpers
We don't use that word here!
ReplyDeleteI am glad that someone finally has the guts to take this issue head-on!! Too long have prostitutes been allowed to have their way with America. They are going down a long, hard road with no hope of a happy ending. More people need to be aware of how much this problem blows!!!
ReplyDeleteAlso, you didn't even begin to describe the different types of whores in great detail! Such as the well known "vaginawhorers" "loose women" harlots" "ladies of the evening" "fishwives" or "Vaginal rentladies". I'm beginning to suspect you aren't as knowledgeable in this area as you claim to be!